Stay Relaxed With Dental Sedation in Northern Kentucky
Certain dental procedures make nearly everyone nervous, even those who enjoy most of their appointments. Other people find it tough to tolerate even routine services like dental cleanings. Whether you’re a member of the first group or the second, we can help you relax with dental sedation in Northern Kentucky.
Doctor Theiss on Sedation Options
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For our visits for very anxious patients, we can do an oral sedation. We give you something that relaxes you; you're here but you don’t really notice it much, you don't really care. You're very relaxed, and we can get the work done in a short amount of time, and you'll have a great experience. We can do a great service for the patients, and if they need other methods, such as (inaudible), things like that, we can do that too.
Sedation dentistry will:
- Enable you to stay relaxed throughout any procedures, even lengthy ones or ones you’ve been avoiding
- Help you put longstanding dental fears behind you
- Allow you to more easily receive multiple treatments in a single visit
- Offer peace of mind if you’ve previously experienced difficulty getting numb
- Make it possible for you to get the smile you’ve always wanted with no fear or worries about discomfort
To schedule a stress-free appointment, call us today at 859-781-3090.
Laughing Gas Acts Quickly to Help You Relax
Our usual choice for sedation is laughing gas, which you inhale through a small mask worn over your nose. It offers many benefits:
- Extremely Safe – Even young children can receive it.
- Easy to Adjust – Unlike some other sedation methods, we can easily give you more or less during your procedure.
- Takes Effect Quickly – Some people feel its effects in less than a minute.
- No Lingering Grogginess – You’ll feel like yourself again within a few minutes. You can even drive yourself home from your appointment.
- Keeps You Alert – Unlike some other kinds of sedation, you’ll remain conscious so you’re able to hear and respond to us.
Enjoy a Beverage Station & Other Comforts
Many patients find our office atmosphere so relaxing, they don’t need sedation at all. From the beverage station in our waiting room to the free Wi-Fi that lets you stay connected during your visit, we treat you more like a family member or friend than a patient.
For more information on dental sedation in Northern Kentucky, call Northern Kentucky Dental Care at 859-781-3090.